By michael on September 8, 2017
• Tags: #annualpledgecampaign #church #churchadministration #churchculture #churchfundraising #cultivategenerosity #cultureofgenerosity #discipleship #financialstewardship #generosity #impact #ministry #mission #missionandvision #missionbudget #missionalbudget #moneyfollowsmission #narrativebudget #spirituality #stewardship #stewardshipcoach #yearroundstewardship #year-roundgenerosity
The impact of your church’s ministries can inspire generosity, but only if you help people see the lives that are changed. Kevin Lee of Vanco Payments recently encouraged churches to communicate the impact of their ministries: Use the 80/20 Rule to Be a More Effective Church Steward Kevin promotes online giving for churches. First of all, … Continue Reading
Stewardship & Generosity
By michael on August 15, 2017
The goal of the Annual Pledge Campaign is to grow generous givers. The Finance Committee of your church may disagree. But the Annual Pledge Campaign is not about money, and it’s not about the budget. The Annual Pledge Campaign should grow givers’ generous hearts. Our mission proceeds from the Great Commission – to go out … Continue Reading
Stewardship & Generosity
By michael on July 18, 2017
Thank-You Notes Will Inspire Faith and Generosity When was the last time you received a personal thank-you note in your mailbox? I was reminded of the importance of saying “thank you” during the Lake Institute on Faith and Giving’s 12th Annual Thomas H. Lake Lecture. Dr. Christian Smith of Notre Dame presented some of the … Continue Reading
Capital Campaign Planning
By michael on June 14, 2017
5 Benefits of Capital Campaign Success No doubt about it: managing an effective capital campaign takes planning and organization. So what are the benefits? People will work very intensely during the campaign. Undertaking a campaign will be a major congregational activity for a period of months. Church leaders will devote even more time than that … Continue Reading
Stewardship & Generosity
By michael on May 10, 2017
Uncovering the Potential in Faith-Based Funding Strategies Church leaders may not understand the variety of funding sources available to the church, or how those sources can hurt or hinder faith development through financial stewardship and generosity. Here is a list of the various ways churches can fund their ministry. After all, if our objective is … Continue Reading
Capital Campaign Planning
By michael on April 26, 2017
• Tags: #barbaraholliman #campaignobjectives #capitalcampaign #church #churchcapitalcampaign #churchfundraising #churchleadership #churchmembers #feasibility #feasibilitystudy #fundraising #generosity #glennholliman #stewardship #vision
“There was no feasibility study to make sure people were in favor of the project and willing to give.” Glenn and Barbara Holliman have an excellent little book about capital funding in churches. With Generous Hearts is well worth your time to read before considering a campaign. I was struck by their introduction. There, they … Continue Reading
Capital Campaign Planning
By michael on March 13, 2017
There is nothing glamorous or exciting about building improvements like roof repair or window replacement. That was the reality that a recent client faced. Built in the late 1950s, their building had become worn and dated. Each proposed improvement seemed minor and cosmetic. All together, though, the updates added up to a substantial sum. As … Continue Reading
Stewardship & Generosity
By michael on February 14, 2017
The image of God within us inspires us to be generous. “I want to give while I’m living, so I can see the good being done,” a retired schoolteacher once said. An active leader in her church, she had finalized plans for a large financial gift. I was an inexperienced pastor who learned a new … Continue Reading
Capital Campaign Planning
By michael on January 18, 2017
*|MC:SUBJECT|* New Year: Ask Your Church This One Simple Question The sanctuary always seems a bit bare in that first week of January. The Christmas greenery has been taken down and stowed away. The Advent Wreath is gone, the Christmas banners have been taken down. After the celebration of Advent and Christmas, the sanctuary seems bare, … Continue Reading
Educational, Resources
By michael on January 17, 2017
• Tags: #annualgivingstatements #annualstewardshipprogram #church #corevalues #coverletter #donorletter #financialsecretary #financialstewardship #generosity #pastor #stewardship #thankyouletter #treasurer #values #year-roundgenerosity
Everything you send to your church members communicates the core values of your church. That includes your Annual Giving Statements. Whenever you send your statements, share your values with a few simple tweaks. You can touch your donors’ hearts and encourage deeper generosity by following these two simple guidelines. Cover Letter Include a cover letter … Continue Reading