By michael on September 8, 2017
• Tags: #annualpledgecampaign #church #churchadministration #churchculture #churchfundraising #cultivategenerosity #cultureofgenerosity #discipleship #financialstewardship #generosity #impact #ministry #mission #missionandvision #missionbudget #missionalbudget #moneyfollowsmission #narrativebudget #spirituality #stewardship #stewardshipcoach #yearroundstewardship #year-roundgenerosity
The impact of your church’s ministries can inspire generosity, but only if you help people see the lives that are changed. Kevin Lee of Vanco Payments recently encouraged churches to communicate the impact of their ministries: Use the 80/20 Rule to Be a More Effective Church Steward Kevin promotes online giving for churches. First of all, … Continue Reading
Educational, Resources
By michael on January 17, 2017
• Tags: #annualgivingstatements #annualstewardshipprogram #church #corevalues #coverletter #donorletter #financialsecretary #financialstewardship #generosity #pastor #stewardship #thankyouletter #treasurer #values #year-roundgenerosity
Everything you send to your church members communicates the core values of your church. That includes your Annual Giving Statements. Whenever you send your statements, share your values with a few simple tweaks. You can touch your donors’ hearts and encourage deeper generosity by following these two simple guidelines. Cover Letter Include a cover letter … Continue Reading